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We are eager to collaborate with different scientific groups involved in the different domains of Biology, specifically data sciences (e.g. Big Data Analysis, bioinformatics and Genomics). We are also looking for the collaborations with industries to 1) Promote our services, 2) To develop mobile apps for researchers and students, 3) For the novel innovations in the field of Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

We also support collaborations with big companies. 

If you are interested in taking help from us, please contact HERE

Events in Collaboration

We are also involved in the arrangement of different scientific events by inviting lecturers/teachers/faculty/trainers around the word. Our resource persons are experts in their respective fields. 


We are involved in the arrangement of following events. 

  • Webinars

  • Workshop

  • Seminar

  • Invited Lecture

  • Symposium

If you want to organise any event with us, please contact HERE.

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